The following scoring method will be used. *** Note 2024 changes from prior years.
Individual Player points:
Rushing or Receiving TD scored - 6pts
TD Pass - 3pts
2pt Conv Scored - 2pts
2pt Conv Pass - 1pt
Rushing Yards - .05 pts per yard (ie 20 yds = 1pt, 40 yds = 2.0pts, 100yds = 5.0 pts, 101=4.05, etc) 0 pts for neg yards
Receiving Yards - .05 pts per yard (same as Rushing above)
*** 2024 Change from .04 pts per yard previously 
Passing Yards - .02 pts per yard (ie 50 yds = 1pt, 80 yds = 1.6pts, 300yds=6.0 pts, 301=6.02, etc) 0 pts for neg yards
Field Goals - 3 pts for fgs from 0-39 yds, 4pts for 40-49, 5pts for 50-59, 6pts for 60-69....
*** 2024 change from (3 pts for fgs from 0-39 yds, 4pts for 40-44, 5pts for 45-49, 6pts for 50-54, 7pts for 55-59....) prev
Extra Points - 1 pt
Defense/Special Team Scoring:
TD scored (fumble return*, int return, Punt or Kick return) - 6pts.
Safety - 2pts
Interceptions - 1 pt
Def Fumbles recovered - 1 pt
Sacks - .5 pts for every sack. 
Points Allowed : 0PA - 7pts, 2 to 6PA - 5pts, 7 to 13PA - 3pts, 14 to 16PA - 1pt.
Blocked extra points/2 Pt conversion defensive scores (2pts same as NFL)
   *Offensive Fumbles recovered for touchdown awarded to Off. player recovering (unless mult chg of pos)
I will be using the CBS Sportsline NFL website ( for all statistics.
Any situations that arise that are unclear for scoring purposes will be ruled on by the administrator and will be final.